Buddhist meditation is one of the most important elements that constitute the Buddhist tradition. It is the central concern of the many Buddhist scripture, scholastic texts, as well as the narrative literature. It’s theory and practice develop a sophisticated Buddhist philosophy of mind. In the course of modernization and globalization, Buddhist meditation has undergone transformations practically and institutionally. As Buddhist meditation has been increasingly applied to secular areas such as psycho-therapy, educational enterprise, and so on, it has become a popular research topic in modern psychology, brain-science, digital humanities and so on. This international conference cordially invites scholars and specialists to participate and present academic papers on, but not limited to, the following topics:
釋果暉 Guo Huei Shih |
法鼓山 方丈和尚 / 法鼓文理學院 副教授 Abbot President, Dharma Drum Mountain/ Associate Professor, DILA |
陳定銘 Ting-Ming Chen |
法鼓文理學院佛教 教授暨校長 Professor & President, DILA |
鄧偉仁 Weijen Teng |
法鼓文理學院佛教學系 副教授暨系主任 Associate Professor & Chair of the Department of Buddhist Studies, DILA |
Eric Greene |
耶魯佛學研究倡議副教授 Yale Buddhist Studies Initiative, Associate Professor 東亞語言與文學系合聘副教授 Core Faculty Member & Director of Graduate Studies: Council on East Asian Studies 東亞研究委員會副教授暨研究生班主任 Affiliate Faculty Member: Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures |
張嘉如 Chia-Ju Chang |
紐約市立大學布魯克林學院現代語言文學系 教授暨系主任 Professor, Department Chairperson, Modern Languages and Literatures, Brooklyn College |
Jijimon Alakkalam Joseph |
Assistant Professor, Holistic Education and Catholic Studies at Fu Jen Catholic University (FJU) |
Grzegorz Polak |
Associate Professor, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin, Poland |
林佩瑩 Pei-ying Lin |
政治大學宗教學系 助理教授 Assistant Professor, National Chengchi University |
林鎮國 Chen-Kuo Lin |
國立政治大學 名譽教授 Emeritus Professor, Department of Philosophy, National Chengchi University |
釋惠敏 Huimin Bhikshu |
法鼓文理學院 榮譽教授 Emeritus Professor, DILA |
陳一標 I-biau Chen |
佛光大學 教授 Professor, Fo Guang University |
莊國彬 Kuo-pin Chuang |
法鼓文理學院 副教授 Associate Professor, DILA |
蔡伯郎 Polang Tsai |
法鼓文理學院 副教授 Associate Professor, DILA |
安東平 |
根特大學語言與文化學系專任教授 |
Christoph Anderl |
Professor, Chinese Language and Culture Department of Languages and Cultures, Ghent University, Belgium |
李宗定 Tsung Ting Lee |
實踐大學應用中文學系副教授 Associate Professor, Shih Chien University |
劉鐔靖 Tan-ching Liu |
國立臺灣師範大學國文學系博士候選人 Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Chinese, National Taiwan Normal University |
釋法照 Fazhao Shi |
杭州佛學院 教師 Lecturer, Hangzhou Buddhist Seminary, China |
洪振洲 Joey Hung |
法鼓文理學院 教授 Professor, DILA |
Stefan Baums |
Ph.D., University of Munich, Germany |
Andrew Glass |
Ph.D., Program Manager Microsoft Corporation, USA |
釋賢度 Xian-du Shi |
北京如是人工智能技術研究院 院長 Dean, Beijing Rushi Institute of Artificial Intelligence Technology, China |
張曉冬 Xiao-dong Zhang |
北京如是人工智能技術研究院 副院長 Vice Dean, Beijing Rushi Institute of Artificial Intelligence Technology, China |
馬德偉 Marcus Bingenheimer |
美國天普大學宗教系 副教授 Associate Professor, Marcus Bingenheimer, Temple University, USA |
王昱鈞 Yu-Chun Wang |
法鼓文理學院 助理教授 Assistant Professor, DILA |
國立中山大學 教授 Professor, National Sun Yat-sen University |
葉慧敏 Karen Yeh |
佛光山叢林學院 專任教師 Teacher, Fo Guang Shan Tsung Lin University |
釋常慧 Chang Hui Shi |
法鼓文理學院 碩士生 MA Student, DILA |
陳法菱 Fa Ling Chen |
國立政治大學宗教所 博士 Ph.D., National Chengchi University |
黃儀娟 Elenda Y.J. Huang |
法鼓文理學院 碩士生 MA Student, DILA |
廖肇亨 Chao-heng Liao |
中央研究院中國文哲研究所 研究員 Research Fellow, Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy, Academia Sinica |
曾堯民 Yaomin Zeng |
法鼓文理學院 助理教授 Assistant Professor, DILA |
梅靜軒 Ching Hsuan Mei |
法鼓文理學院 副教授 Associate Professor, DILA |
張雅雯 Ya-wen Chang |
中華佛研所 博士後研究員 Postdoctoral Fellow, Chung-Hwa Institute of Buddhist Studies |
嚴瑋泓 Wei-Hung Yen |
東海大學哲學系 教授 Professor, Tunghai Unviersity |
Kamil Nowak |
法鼓文理學院佛學系 博士生 Ph.D. Student, DILA |
Dharmacārī Śraddhāpa |
法鼓文理學院 碩士生 MA Student, DILA |
Chu Kwan Chan |
漢堡大學沼田佛學研究中心 碩士生 MA student, Numata Center for Buddhist Studies, Universität Hamburg, Germany |
鄭維儀 Wei-yi Cheng |
佛光大學 副教授 Associate Professor, Fo Guang University |
釋湛遠 Sik Tsam Yuen |
福嚴佛學院 研究生 Graduate Student, Fuyan Buddhist Institute |
劉怡寧 Yining Liu |
台大社會系 兼任助理教授 Adjunct Assistant Professor, National Taiwan University |
潘筱蒨 Pua Shiau Chen |
馬來西亞新紀元大學 副教授 Associate Professor, New Era University College, Malaysia |
徐郁縈 Yu-Yin Hsu |
德國波鴻魯爾大學 博士後研究員 Postdoctoral fellow, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany |
釋果鏡 Guojing Shih |
法鼓文理學院 教授 Professor, DILA |
黃敬家 Jing-Jia Huang |
國立臺灣師範大學國文學系 教授 Professor, National Taiwan Normal University |
林悟石 Wushi Lin |
法鼓文理學院佛學系 博士生 Ph.D. Student, DILA |
盧致新 Chi San Lo |
法鼓文理學院佛學系 博士生 Ph.D. Student, DILA |
陳陶 Chen Tao |
法鼓文理學院佛學系 博士候選人 Ph.D. Candidate, DILA |
GC001 Auditorium |
08:30-08:50 |
Check in |
08:50-09:00 |
Opening ceremony, welcome address by the Abbot President Venerable Guo Huei |
09:00-09:10 |
Welcome address by Ting-Ming Chen, President, Dharma Drum Institute of Liberal Arts (DILA) |
09:10-10:00 |
Keynote Speech 1: Buddhist Meditation Between India and China Speaker: Prof. Eric Greene, Yale University Moderator: Prof. Weijen Teng |
10:00-10:10 |
Encoding "that which does not abide" – Using DNA for the Preservation of Buddhist Culture (Marcus Bingenheimer) |
10:10-10:30 |
Refreshment Break |
Session 1 10:30-12:10 |
Panel 1: Buddhist Meditation – Praxis and Practice Moderator: Weijen Teng |
More of the Same?: Gong’an Antidote and “Baizhang’s Wild Fox” (Chia-Ju Chang) |
The Enlightened Praxis: Buddhist Farmers’ Spiritual Experiences with Practical Intent (Jijimon Alakkalam Joseph) |
Not Just a Technique: A Consideration of Non-Straightforwardly Practicable Aspects of Meditation (Grzegorz Polak) |
Zen for Nothing: The Life and Teaching of Sōtō Master Sawaki Kōdō 澤木興道
(1880-1965) |
12:10-12:20 |
Group photo (The Front Main Stairs) |
12:20-14:00 |
Lunch, Break (Great Wisdom House) |
GC001 Auditorium |
GC002 Auditorium |
Session 2 14:00-15:40 |
Panel 2: The Theory of Meditation in the Sarvāstivāda and Vijñaptimatra Schools Moderator: Chen-Kuo Lin |
Panel 3: Dunhuang, Meditation Texts Moderator: Christoph Anderl |
An Inquiry into the Meditation, Repentance, and the Procedure of Receiving the Bodhisattva
Precepts of Yogācārabhūmi |
An Analysis of the Relationship between “Shouyi” in Buddhism and “Shouyi” in Taoism from
Anban Shouyi Jing” in the Late Han Dynasty |
Viewing the “the Known (jñeya)” and “Reality-Object (tattvārtha)” of Yogācāra Buddhism
Perspective of Meditation – Starting from the Structure of Saṃdhinirmocanasūtra |
The Epistemology and Cultivation:the Interpretation of the "Pramāṇavāda" in the Yizhang Documents of the Dilun school and the Shelun school Which in the Dunhuang Manuscript. |
The practice of the faculties upgrading(indriya sañcāra) according to the Sarvāstivāda school (Kuo-pin Chuang) |
The Emergence and Transcendence of Lust (rāga) —Based on the Śarīrārthagāthā of the Yogācārabhūmi (Fazhao Shi) |
The Meaning of Vitarka-vicāra and its Connection with Meditation of the Sarvāstivāda and Yogācāra Schools (Polang Tsai) |
15:40-16:00 |
Tea Break |
16:00-17:10 |
Round Table Discussion |
17:30-20:00 |
Dinner Reception (Cafeteria) |
GC001 Auditorium |
08:40-09:10 |
Check in |
09:10-10:00 |
Aming Tu Prize Award Ceremony and Speech Keynote Speech 2: “Gandhari.org -- A Research Environment for Gāndhārī Buddhist Texts and Beyond” Speaker: Stefan Baums, University of Munich, Germany Andrew Glass, Program Manager Microsoft Corporation, USA Moderator: Prof. Jen-Jou Hung |
10:00-10:20 |
Refreshment Break |
GC001 Auditorium |
GC002 Auditorium |
Session 3 10:20-12:00 |
Panel 4: The Development of Digital Humanities Moderator: Jen-Jou Hung |
Panel 5: Buddhist Meditation Manuals, Meditation Masters and Meditation Practices Moderator: Kin-Tung Yit |
The Practice and Prospects of the Digitization of the “Jingshan Tripitaka” (Xian-du Shi, Xiao-dong Zhang) |
Buddhānusmṛti-samādhi in Fifth-century Chinese Meditation Manuals (Karen Yeh) |
The Second Phase of the Ming Buddhist Revival: A Social Network Approach to the School of Miyun Yuanwu 密雲圓悟 (Marcus Bingenheimer) |
A Preliminary Study on the Evolution of the Image of the Ideal Chan Master in the Chan School of Buddhism and Master Shengyan’s Method of Training a Chan Master (Chang Hui Shi) |
Developing Natural Language Processing Tools for Classical Chinese Buddhist Texts (Yu-Chun Wang) |
The Contemporary Transferal Meditation-in-Action Model of Mindfulness-of-Breathing at Pa-Auk Monastery (Fa Ling Chen) |
“All words are forgotten” vs. Cessations of Semantic Processes - A Phenomenological Exploration of Chan Scriptures and Practices in Silent Illumination (Elenda Y.J. Huang) |
12:20-14:00 |
Lunch, Break (Cafeteria) |
Session 4 14:00-15:20 |
Panel 6: Atypical Meditation Discourses: Biographies, Manuscripts and Repentant Liturgies Moderator: Chao-heng Liao |
Panel 7: Shikantaza, Non-abiding, and Metamodernism in Meditation Study Moderator: Wei-Hung Yen |
The Development of Chan Monasteries from Sixth to Seventh Centuries: Based on the Xu Gaoseng Zhuan (Yaomin Zeng) |
An Oscillatory Model of Chan Experience, or An Argument for a Metamodern Perspective in Chan Studies (Kamil Nowak) |
Re-interpretation of Dunhuang Manuscript P.3777 (Ching Hsuan Mei) |
No Place to Stand – A Study of the Term pratiṣṭhita in the Vajracchedikā Prajñāpāramitā (Dharmacārī Śraddhāpa) |
Repentance and Chan Practice in the Sanfeng Lineage: Research on Renshan Jizhen’s
“Da-Bo-Re-Chan-Fa” |
A Taxonomy of Interpretations of Dōgen’s Shikantaza (Chu Kwan Chan) |
15:20-15:40 |
Tea Break |
Session 5 15:40-17:20 |
Panel 8: Modern Buddhist Meditation Moderator: Cheng Wei-Yi |
Panel 9: The Doctrine and Thought of Chan Moderator: Guojing Shih |
Master Chi Chen’s Inheritance and Development of Master Sheng Yen’s Silent Illumination Meditation (Sik Tsam Yuen) |
A study on sitting meditation of Linji school in Song Dynasty — Based on “Zuochan Ming” written by Qingyuan and “Zuochan Yi” written by Bencai (Jing-Jia Huang) |
Hoofprint of the Ox: A Comparison between Master Sheng-Yen’s Revival of Chinese Chan
Buddhism and
the Western Mindfulness Movement |
Comprehending Everything as Oneself: Zibo Zhenke’s Doctrine of Non-self and Theory of
without Subject-Object Duality |
Chan Meditation Classics and the Buddhist Sutra’s Flower Narrative (Pua Shiau Chen) |
A Preliminary Exploration of the Integration of Huayan’s Dharma Realm View and Biyanlu’s Koan (Chi San Lo) |
The Spreading Impacts of Japanese “Health Caring Methods” in the Early Republic of China (Yu-Yin Hsu) |
A Study of Inherent Realization in Early Chan (Chen Tao) |
Farewell |
Tea Chan Classroom |
08:50-09:00 |
Check in |
09:00-11:30 |
Tea Chan |
11:30-13:00 |
Lunch (Yangsheng Fitness Center) |
Farewell |
TEL:(02)24980707 #5416、5417
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